Previous A2 Magazine Advert
I find this magazine advert the most realistic as it features social media links such as Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat which appeals to digital natives. It also features links to both iTunes and AmazonMusic, clearly showing the audience where the song can be streamed. It also features a five star review which would further attract an audience.
Recent album releases
I found finding recent magazine adverts for albums and singles quite difficult. This is because in this day and age, the majority of artists simply use social media and the internet to promote their work. Due to this, I have not been able to find recent magazine adverts so I have embedded a few from over the past few years.
Target Audiences
Different genres of music do use different ways to target their audience. This is due to the fact that not all music fans are the same and they do not have the same interests, so artists of different genres have to use different ways to advertise. For example, some genres of music divide opinions such as rock; the genre of rock is not everyone's 'cup of tea' and as a result, there are a few magazines which are solely dedicated to the rock genre, such as 'Classic Rock'.